Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Message Clarity

Message clarity is a common sense concept that, unfortunately, is not always so common.  In the practice of network security monitoring, clearly communicating a simple and straightforward message is often necessary in order to conduct proper security operations.  In other words, clearly communicating and leveraging data about new tactics, infection vectors, indicators of compromise, command and control channels, and other important data can help organizations successfully contain and remediate new campaigns, rather than falling victim to them.

I've so often seen cases where the message is garbled or over-complicated (for whatever reason -- be it a lack of knowledge, lack of communication skills, or some other reason).  This helps no one.  I've often been told that one of my greatest strengths is being able to clearly and effectively communicate what I find through detailed analysis in an easy to understand manner.  There is elegance in simplicity -- I firmly believe that.  And an elegant, clear, concise, and simple message can often facilitate network security monitoring and security operations.

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