Thursday, May 22, 2014

Shift Perspective

If you’ve ever worked in a security operations environment, you’re aware of how much day-to-day work revolves around systems (identified by IP address, MAC address, hostname, or otherwise). Alerts and events are generated per system. Investigations are based on detecting, analyzing, containing, and remediating infected systems. Intelligence is primarily leveraged to identify systems of interest. What’s interesting to me, though, is that if we take a step back, we see that systems aren’t actually the true pivot point -- users are.

Each user in an organization may use a number of different systems. For example, a given user may have a desktop computer, a laptop computer, a tablet, smartphone, and other devices. Likewise, each system may be used by a number of different users. For example, a virtual desktop environment may have one IP address but be used by dozens of users. If all of our analysis is centered on systems, we miss the correlation that arises from linking a single user to multiple systems, or conversely, multiple users to a single system.

Why is this important? Let’s have a look at what happens when we shift our perspective for a few different use cases.

Insider Threat: Insider threat is topic on many people’s minds these days. Whether the concern is a rogue employee, espionage, or something else, insider threat is a challenge designed to be approached from the user perspective. Trying to identify insider threat activity is already extremely difficult. Trying to identify it solely by analyzing the activity of systems, rather than analyzing the activity of users is nearly impossible.

Serial Offender: What is the difference between five different systems infected over a period of a few months and a serial offender? Correlation at the user level. Sometimes users have bad security “hygiene” that causes them to pose a greater risk to the organization. Taking a user perspective allows us to identify serial offenders and take steps to address the issue.

Lateral Movement/Staging for Exfiltration: From the system perspective, lateral movement and staging of data for exfiltration look very similar to legitimate network activity. The difference lies mainly in intent, which is nearly impossible to infer when looking at the problem from a system perspective. Looking at the problem from the user perspective allows us to gain an edge. Correlating activity to the user allows us to see if users are logging in from unusual places or logging into unusual places, among other suspect behaviors. Perspective changes everything here.

Stolen Credentials: Two systems may log in to a server or access a file share at the same time, and we would think nothing of it. But if the same user account was used at the same time from two different systems in two different divisions of the organization on two different sides of the globe, that activity becomes a bit more suspect. Looking at the activity through the lens of user-level correlation allows us to tease out the difference.

Essentially, systems are merely tools leveraged by users. Taking a different vantage point that allows us to correlate activity by user, rather than by system alone gives us a very different perspective. That different perspective allows us to better identify and analyze certain types of activity on the network that we may want to investigate further.

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