Monday, March 10, 2014

Buyer Beware

A couple of weeks ago, I attended the RSA conference in San Francisco.
I always enjoy attending RSA, as it provides a unique opportunity to
engage many different aspects of the larger security community at the
same time. The conference is attended by vendors, practitioners/enterprises, researchers, industry analysts, journalists, investors, and others. I was fortunate enough to take part in several interesting and engaging discussions during the week.  I would like to discuss one observation I made during the conference in this posting.

I took some time during the week to walk the vendor expo two or three
times. What I saw there inspired this blog, though it didn't necessarily surprise me. Not every vendor on the floor was guilty of this, but many, many vendors proffered a technology or solution for "big data", "security analytics", and/or "big data security analytics". In other words, many (though not all) vendors said they provided a solution for the same "space". Since I spent over a decade
on the enterprise/operational side, I can sympathize with the confusion this can bring to the enterprise audience. Leaders in the enterprise have many responsibilities, and it is difficult for them to keep track of the large number of vendors and what each vendor's specialty is.

Marketing is unlikely to change in the near future, and as such, it appears that the words "buyer beware" are important words for the enterprise. Many enterprises want to be doing "big data" and "security analytics", and thus, it's not particularly surprising that many vendors are offering "big data" and "security analytics" solutions. But what does it actually mean to do "big data" and "security analytics"? I think it's helpful to take a step back and think a level deeper about this in order to better understand it.

At a high level, "big data" and "security analytics" are about the two very different, but equally important concepts of collection and analysis. Allow me to explain. Before it is possible to run analytics, one needs the right data upon which to run those analytics. Before "big data" emerged as a buzzword, this was called "collection" or "instrumentation of the network". Further, in order to run analytics, one also needs a high performance platform upon which to issue the precise, targeted, incisive queries required by analytics. Before "security analytics" emerged as a buzzword, this was sometimes called analysis or forensics, among other terms. Collection and analysis, at enterprise speeds, are both equally important. If you think about it, you can't really have one without the other. Or, to put it another way, what good does the greatest collection capability provide without a way to analyze that data in a timely and accurate manner? Similarly, what good does the greatest analytical capability provide without the underlying data to support it?

As I walked around the expo floor, two families of "big data security analytics" products jumped out at me:

1) Analysis platforms that struggle with collection/consumption of data
2) Collection platforms that struggle with the analysis component (either because of performance, analytical capability, or both)

So, what about a platform that can do both collection and analysis at enterprise speeds? That's what I call a real "big data security analytics" platform -- one that lives up to the intent and spirit of the marketing buzzwords. Think about the ramifications of a single platform that provides excellent collection and excellent analysis. That's a great way to bring "big data security analytics" to your organization with reduced complexity and at a reduced cost.

If you're going to do "big data", it's worth thinking about how to do it right.

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